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Head Injury – Post Concussion Syndrome

Traumatic Brain Injury

Even a slight accident can cause a TBI resulting in extreme personal discomfort and reduced efficiency that impairs a person’s ability to use cognitive skills and intellectual processing.  Head injury is often undetected. Patients who have experienced a loss of consciousness or an alteration of mental state (feeling dazed, dizzy, disoriented or confused) may have sustained a TBI.

The mechanism for this injury includes the head being struck, striking an object and/or the brain undergoing an acceleration/deceleration movement (whiplash) even without direct external trauma to the head.

Symptoms of traumatic brain injury vary.  The following are possible symptoms of TBI:

  • memory loss
  • inability to concentrate
  • lack of organization
  • slow information processing
  • short attention span
  • loss of abstract thinking ability
  • emotional instability
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • loss of inhibition
  • sleep disturbance
  • loss of libido


Traumatic brain injury has also been called mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) or closed head injury (CHI).  The diagnosis of Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) has been used to describe this syndrome. PCS is a constellation of cognitive, affective and behavioral difficulties associated with a TBI.

Behavioral Medicine Associates offers a program of Cognitive Rehabilitation at many of our offices. The program is designed to help brain injured and cognitively impaired patients restore normal functioning and learn to compensate for cognitive deficits.  Contact us to see if you are a candidate for this program.
